Julkaise tuotteesi
A-Series Hinged Patio Doors - Inswing

A-Series Hinged Patio Doors - Inswing

A-Series hinged patio doors make a dramatic statement and add great ventilation. Their French door styling goes well with any home style. Made of wood protected by fiberglass, it's our best-performing hinged patio door.

Due to ongoing product changes, updated test results, or new industry standards, this data may change over time.
Actual performance may vary based on variations in manufacturing, shipping, installation, environmental conditions and conditions of use.
Material categories are Autodesk® Seek approved and may not be equivalent to the categories used by your Andersen supplier.
Visit AndersenWindows.com for more information.
Tekniset tiedot
  • Yksilöity viiteandersen-windows-1208
  • TuoteperheDoors
  • TuoteryhmäA-Series
  • TyyppiObjekti (yksittäinen objekti)
  • Julkaisupäivä2014-05-19
  • Painoksen numero1
  • Suunniteltu:Yhdysvallat
  • Valmistettu:Yhdysvallat
  • BIMobject-luokkaOvet - Ovisarjat

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