Protecta FR Collar
Protecta FR Collar

    Protecta FR Collar

    Protecta® FR Collars are designed to maintain the fire resistance of fire rated walls and floors where these are breached by service penetrations, and may be used in drywalls, timber, masonry or concrete walls and floors.

    Each collar consists of a white or red coated circular steel shell that splits in two to fit around the service penetrations by means of a simple ’slide-lock’ system. The steel shell contains a graphite based reactive material which reacts when exposed to heat from fire closing the openings left by the softening combustible material.

    Available in the following sizes: 

    Ø55/50mm, Ø82/50mm, Ø110/50mm, Ø125/60mm, Ø160/60mm, Ø200/75mm, Ø250/75mm and Ø315/75mm.

      • Classified for fire sealing all types of constructions such as drywalls, masonry and concrete walls, concrete and composite floors, and solid or cross-laminated timber walls and floors.
      • Classified for fire sealing all types of building service penetrations such as cable bundles, cable conduits, steel pipes, copper pipes, composite pipes, PVC pipes, PE pipes, ABS pipes, PP pipes and PEX pipe-in-pipes.
      • Metal and plastic pipes are classified with commonly used elastomeric pipe insulations, continuous through the fire seal.
      • Approved plastic pipe sizes range from smallest pipes available to Ø400mm, each with a wide range of pipe wall thicknesses.
      • Approved with a single collar in some concrete and masonry wall applications, reducing cost.
      • Collars are available in two different heights for different fire classifications to maximise cost-efficiency.
      • Smaller pipes can be fitted within larger collars with the benefit of accommodating pipes that are at an angle, or if the opening around the pipe is too large.
      • Fire classifications up to 240 minutes for both integrity and insulation.
      • Tested and certified for U/U pipe end applications.
      • Very high sound insulation (Rw 58 dB).
      • Causes no deleterious effects on cPVC pipes like BlazeMaster, supported by mechanical testing evidence.
      • No emissions - environmentally and user friendly.
      • Simple to install using widely available standard fixings.
      • 30 years working life guarantee.
      • The product hold the following approval marks: CE-mark for Europe, UL-EU certificate for Asia and South America, UAE Certificate of Compliance for United Arab Emirates, AS Assessment for New Zealand and Australia.
    • Unique refProtecta_FR_Collar
    • コレクションセットProtecta
    • コレクションFR Collar
    • タイプオブジェクト(1つのオブジェクト)
    • 公開日2020-03-17
    • エディション1
    • 主なマテリアルスチール
    • 設計国イギリス
    • 製造国イギリス
    • BIMobjectカテゴリ防火設備 - ファイアーストップ材
    • IFC分類オブジェクト