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CSW75 all glass center pivot folding system offers clean-lined, transparent solutions with no vertical profiles for retail storefronts, shopping centers, banks, offices and many other applications. The all glass aesthetic works well with all design styles. The CSW75 creates a barrier free storefront allowing for immediate engagement between retailers and their customers. In offices, the CSW75 is well suited for flexible space management and for use between structural support columns.
This system allows for unlimited widths with the use of paired panels and offers convenient swing panels that are attached to the chain of folding panels. CSW75 is able to mix and match with HSW75 and FSW75 for a seamless and consistent design. End panels can be single/double action panels with pivot points or single/double action panels with offset hinges that are capable of opening 180°. Single/double action panels with pivot points have passed 100,000 cycle testing.
Standard to the CSW75 are eccentric floor sockets. The built-in adjustability helps to deal with tolerances and building settlements.
北美 |
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马提尼克 |
墨西哥 |