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NW Wood 540, part of the Generation 4 Folding Glass Walls by NanaWall, provides the slimmest wood frame in the folding door industry. With a quadruple laminated cross-grained wood frame profile styled in a subtly rounded design, the intersection of two folding panels is a mere 5 11/16" (144 mm).
The quadruple-layer laminated wood allows for larger panel sizes, creates structural integrity, and provides long-term durability. Unlike other systems on the market, NanaWall wood framed systems are built on solid single-species wood frames and are not veneered over inferior wood. NW Wood 540 is manufactured with sustainably harvested wood. The wood options meet the international standards of FSC or PEFC.
NW Wood 540 is a floor supported wood framed system, capable of reaching impressive system heights up to 9' 10" (3000 mm) and panel widths up to 3' 3" (1000 mm). This folding glass wall can also offer opening sizes with the integration of FourFold and SixFold Panel Sets that move and stack to either side of the opening. As a custom-built architectural solution, this system is available in inswing, outswing, and open corner configurations.
A fundamental benefit of this Generation 4 folding glass wall is energy efficiency and strong weather performance. The solid wood frames provides exceptional insulative protection from outside elements and delivers comfort and security when closed. NW Wood 540 has been put through rigorous independent performance testing for air, water, structural, operation, and forced entry. Depending on glass type selection, it offers thermal performance values as low as “.19”. The system comes standard with continuous seals along the face of each panel frame.
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